How To Request A Certified Translation Quote
Requesting and receiving a quote for certified translation services is easy. That’s the first thing to know.
Attach and email us the document file(s) for translation. We’ll review everything and based on the word count prepare a written quote for you and email it to you. If you approve we’ll then prepare the certified translation and deliver it to you electronically. You can print out the number of copies you need. A signed certification is included. If requested we’ll mail printed copies to your physical address via the postal service at no additional charge.
Requesting and receiving a quote for certified translation services is easy. That’s the first thing to know.
That’s the process in a nutshell. The somewhat more step-by-step version follows.
1. Attach and email us your file(s) for translation. You can send scans or images from a smartphone. As long as we can read the text, that’s all we need.
2. We’ll review the material you send and prepare a quote/schedule for the certified translation preparation. Fees are based on the word count. Small projects usually take 1-2 business days to complete.
3. We’ll email you our quote. A link is included to make online payment and approve the project if you decide to proceed.
4. Once we have your approval we’ll begin the translation process. Post-translation proofreading by a second translator is included to ensure a high quality translation.
5. On completion of the translation we’ll email the completed translation files back to you. You can print out hard copies if needed. We can also mail printed copies to you via the post service.
6. A signed certification is included with the delivery, consistent with USCIS and other governing agency requirements.
7. If you have any questions or require any adjustment in the delivered translations just let us know. We’ll respond promptly.
8. If your requirement is met then the project is complete.