How Can I Find Translation Services For A Video?

Someone recently asked in an online forum about finding a translation service for a video. This is a question that comes up more often these days as online video and other video content has become very common.

Generally the conversation with a client begins with an email or telephone call stating that the have a video they’d like translated from its current language to produce a written translation in a new “target” language.

Actually there are two categories of services required to achieve the end result. The first service is transcription. Someone needs to listen to the video’s audio and write down exactly what they hear, in the same language. If it’s important to the project a time code may be included within the written transcript to indicate at what what points in the video something was said. Once a transcript is available then a translator can be tasked to translate it into the target language. Translators by definition typically work with written material.

Transcription services are generally priced on an hourly basis. Translation services are priced on a per word basis. The exact word count of a translation project will be known after a transcript is produced.

Many professional translation companies offer these services. Some companies may specialize in certain languages or subject domain areas. Some automated tools exist for performing these services, although for professional quality outputs use of human transcribers and translators are still the best option.

See also:

Video translation services

