Thursday blog

Do Rush Translation Services Cost More?

Here’s a question we receive sometimes. “If I pay extra can I get my translation faster?” Are such requests an opportunity for translation companies to charge more? Or are they an opportunity to satisfy a client?

Different translation companies have different policies related to so-called “rush services.” At our company expedited services don’t cost more, unless for some reason our translation costs would be higher. That’s typically not the case.

It’s always to the advantage of a business to do their best to meet the needs of a client. If a faster schedule is important then we obviously want to make that possible if we can.

What’s Different with Rush Translation Orders?

Do translators process expedited order more quickly? No not necessarily. We follow the same quality assurance procedures for expedited translation orders as we do for projects with normal schedules. Expedited projects just get bumped up in the queue closer to the front of the line for attention. This reshuffling of projects means that previously placed orders might slide back in the schedule some. For some client the schedule isn’t important as long as it’s within a certain reasonable time period. So reshuffling the order of projects can be a means to elevating customer satisfaction for clients who need faster services without disadvantaging other clients.

