Spanish Newsletter Translation

Preparation of Spanish language newsletters have become more common for organizations who publish English language internal newsletters but also have Spanish dominant audiences within their organizations. Newsletters may be print or electronic publications.

In most US based companies the English language newsletter is prepared first. Then the text is translated into Spanish. For print publications it’s worthwhile to keep in mind that Spanish language text tends to occupy more space than the equivalent English. English-to-Spanish word count expansion averages in the range of 15% more words. Newsletter design can usually make adjusts to font sizes or to the layout to accommodate the higher word count and proportionately higher page space requirement.

To receive a quote for newsletter translation clients typically provide text in one of two ways:

1) Text is provided in a MS Word file without finished design formatting, or

2) Text is provided in a formatted newsletter document as a PDF

When requesting translation of a formatted newsletter, clients should keep in mind that language work (translation) is a separate service from formatting in an application such as InDesign. Translation can be provided alone, with the client performing the final formatting by replacing English text with the translated Spanish. Or a translation company can handle both the translation and the formatting to produce a finished designed newsletter document in Spanish.

