How to Make Language A Strategic Advantage

For organizations seeking a sustainable competitive advantage or a way to effectively differentiate themselves in the marketplace, consider language!

Our company’s business is to help make language a strategic advantage for businesses and professional organizations nationwide. For organizations interested in more effectively using language (including languages in addition to English) here are 3 questions to ask:

1) What are your competitors doing with language? How might your organization go a step beyond what your competitors are doing?

Examining the efforts of competitors is an obvious place to begin. Not all of competitors’ actions are observable. Some are so it’s a place to start. After a competitive review, a possible next step is to follow suit with what your competitors are doing, but doing it in a little better/different or advantaged way.

2) In your organization’s attempts to leverage language in the past, what’s been successful? Where is there room for improvement?

Almost everything an organization does using language can be improved or executed more effectively. Whatever your organization has done in the past, consider what might be the next level above and beyond it?

3) What new ways of using language might be utilized to your organization’s advantage?

There are likely some new ways of using language that your organization has yet to try. What about translating eLearning courses into languages other than English? Does your organization have an audience, internal or external, where a connection would be more effectively made through use of languages other than English?

There are a virtually endless number of ways for organizations to differentiate themselves strategically and compete. Language might be one way. Consider the possibilities.



