Catalog Translation Services

Product catalogs, supply catalogs, digital catalogs, virtually any type of catalog can sometimes require translation into a language other than its original source language.

Many times catalogs created in English are translated into other major languages such as Spanish or French. Catalog translation into virtually any language is possible including German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic. Affinity Translation provides catalog translation services into all these languages and many other less common languages.

Catalog translation projects usually entail formatting in addition to language skills. Formatting services are available in standard desktop publishing applications including InDesign and others.

Catalog Translation

Steps in translating a catalog progress generally as follows:

  1. The process begins by preparing a quote for services. In order to prepare a quote for a client it’s necessary to review the document and its text. Translation services are priced according to the number of words. Formatting is priced on per page basis. Clients can attach and email the catalog file(s) to us at Larger files can be uploaded at: We’ll confirm on receipt of the source files.
  2. After review and analysis of the files we’ll email our quote back to the client. A schedule for completion of the work is included.
  3. If the quote is accepted then the translation process begins. Translation of text is usually performed independent of formatting. So text is initially extracted from the design environment. These allows linguists to focus strictly on language independent of visual consideration.
  4. After translation is completed (by a professional linguist native speaking in the target language) a second linguist then proofreads the first translator’s work. A high quality translation results from this process.
  5. The translated and proofread text is then placed back into the formatted document to match the original document.

