Translation Business | Our Director’s 2019 Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are perhaps not as strategic or as well thought-out as a detailed business plan. Still our company director’s resolutions for the new year might be interesting to read and possibly compare them to your own.


Our Company Director’s 2019 New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Improve company’s visibility in search engines by developing and publishing more content in core business areas.
  2. In support of #1 decide (again) what our core areas of business really are.
  3. Write and publish a blog at least twice a week throughout the year.
  4. Experiment with drinking less coffee.
  5. Meet more clients face-to-face when possible.
  6. Take a real vacation.
  7. Make structural upgrades to the company website.
  8. Strenuously exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.
  9. Buy new blue jeans to replace favorite ones that are no longer suitable for wearing in public.
  10. Make Affinity Translation even more awesome.

PS – I reserve the right to change my mind about #4.


Have a great 2019 everyone!

