Manual Translation | Project Questions

Requests for translation of manual documents is a common request our company receives. Manuals come in all shapes, sizes, and topics including those among the listed categories below.


One of the advantages of working with a translation agency is that they typically have access to numerous qualified professional translators for projects that come up.


Training manuals: Contains information intended to improve the quality of performed tasks.

Service manuals: Covers the maintenance and repair of products.

Owners manuals: Instructional information that often accompanies technical products.

Operations manuals: Covers the how-tos of performing functions correctly and efficiently.

Policy manuals: Basic guide to activities within an organization.

Safety manuals: Collection of information, instructions, policies, and procedures intended to ensure safety.

User manuals: Type of manual directed to different kinds of users (e.g., administrators, maintenance personnel, managers, etc.).

When we receive a new order for translation of a manual some of the first questions we internally address are:

1) Which of our translator/linguists are best suited to assign the project to?

2) How much formatting of the translated text will be required and what resources will we need?


manuals translation


One of the advantages of working with a translation agency is that they typically have access to numerous qualified professional translators for projects that come up. Translators often have their own personal topic areas of specialization based on their experience, education, and interests. This allows us to match up project requirements with the best suited translator resources.

The ability to deliver professionally formatted translated documents is something that customers appreciate and sometimes require. Some formatting is relatively straightforward to manage, for example in file formats such as MS Word. Other manuals can require more specialized formatting in applications such as Adobe InDesign. Our company provide formatting services in virtually any way required by clients.

