New Translation Customers

Like any business we’re always interested in attracting new customers. Our success and longevity as a company is due both to taking care of existing customers and bringing in new ones.

For new translation clients our goal is to make sure from their initial contact that they receive all the attention needed to meet their requirements. This means that we must first understand their requirements. So we listen. We ask for clarification when needed. We confirm our understanding before proposing a solution.


The customizations we offer may not be ones we can list distinctly on a price list or website since they’re sometimes so subtle that not even clients recognize them.


Affinity Translation provides a variety of language services that center around translation, taking meaning in a source language and as accurately as possible expressing it in another language. This service seems straightforward enough, although service businesses in reality are seldom a commodity (that is, differentiated only by price).



Instead the services our company provides are customized to each client. The customizations we offer may not be ones we can list distinctly on a price list or website since they’re sometimes so subtle that not even clients recognize them. By listening and recognizing what’s important to each client we can emphasize/de-emphasize, craft as needed what we offer so that our language services meet the client’s requirements better than our competitors. Managing all these unique micro differentiators can be challenging but worth it when it comes to retaining customers over the long term.

