Translation Services | Online Video Meetings

During the recent health emergency period of time we have (like so many others) become more accustomed to meeting with prospective customers via online video services like Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet.

It’s a convenient way to have a richer interaction with customers, compared to voice only communication over the telephone. Even before the pandemic hit we seldom had the occasion to meet face-to-face.

Our clients are geographically distributed across the US and internationally. Now though there’s greater acceptance to using online video conferencing due to the current public health circumstances.

translation services online video

To make the best use of our online meetings we established a dedicated video conference station in our work space. We set up special lighting, experimented with the ideal position of the laptop camera, and established a suitable background appropriate for business meetings. Our website calls attention to the our ability to schedule online video meetings and numerous clients have requested them, resulting in confirmed new projects.

Our utilization of online video conferencing to discuss translation and related language services projects will outlast the pandemic. Hopefully we’ll still be able to schedule a few in-person meetings from time-to-time as well.

Click here to schedule an online video meeting. We’ll respond to confirm soon.

