Year End Translation Projects & Planning

Some businesses have already wound down their translation and other language services activities for 2020. Others may still have needs arise before the end of the year and require help. For this reason we remain open and operational through most of the year end holiday season, except for Christmas Eve/Day and New Year’s Eve/Day.

The year end also brings our attention to reflect on things we want to improve or give additional attention to in 2021. We’re making our list as we do every year. Some decisions we’ll launch into before January and others will likely linger into the new year before arriving at a firm plan.

Looking forward, below are some things we have control over:

  • Technologies we invest in
  • Marketing strategies
  • Quality of customer interactions
  • What partners do we want to work with
  • Education and acquiring new skills

Below are things we cannot control or influence much at all:

  • Macro economic forces
  • Government policies
  • Competitor behaviors
  • Competing technologies

For the things we can’t control, although we can’t directly affect them we do still try to stay informed about them. Being informed can affect our plans and actions in the areas we can control.

