Not-So-Polite Translation Clients

Anyone can have an off day now and then. When we have them we might have less patience than normal, or be more inclined to make an abrupt or even unkind remark.

This goes for translation agency clients too. Especially early-on in the client-customer association, before much rapport or bonds have been formed, erratic client behavior can be more likely to occur. When it does it might be tempting to react, but it’s probably better for business to exercise some amount of restraint.

If unacceptable client behavior persists or it becomes the norm, at some point companies might need to decide if continuing the association is in their best interest. It’s probably wise to not make quick decisions though. Especially for business clients that are likely to have continuing language services needs, mutually agreeable professional associations can develop over time even after early turbulence.

It’s a judgment call, when to hang in, and when to decide that the point of no return has been reached.

